An Easter Story For Kids - The Easter Donkey Of Bethany


This is a beautiful Easter Story for kids. It is a story about a little boy named Nun and his donkey. Read on to find out what was so special about this donkey.

An Easter Story For Kids - The Easter Donkey Of Bethany

A long time ago in the land of Bethany lived a little boy and his father. The name of the boy was Nun, He was a kind and loving boy. Nun was loved by everyone in the city. His father had so much joy and pride from his behavior, for he was a good child.

Nun got a very nice gift from his father when he turned 13. His father bought him a donkey as a birthday present and Nun loved it very much. He washed and brushed him and took him on a long walk to show off to his friends. Nun never allowed anyone to ride his donkey, he felt he was a special donkey and so needs every care he can get. This act sometimes gets his friends angry, but Nun never bothered himself with such attitudes.

One day, when Nun’s parents had gone into town to get somethings for the family, two men came by the house and began untying Nun’s donkey from its post. Normally, Nun’s donkey would have resisted these men from untying him, but this time, he willingly allowed them to untie and was ready to go with them.

A man named Lemuel, who was Nun’s neighbor questioned the young men, “Why are you untying that donkey, is it yours?”

 “The Master needs this donkey,” replied the men and they continued with what they were doing.

It didn’t take long for the conversation among them to get to Nun and his family. The donkey was kept at a short distance from the main house. So, they quickly went to where the donkey was kept, and behold, they saw the men from town untying the donkey.

“What do you want with my donkey?” Nun asked surprised.

The men told him that the master had requested for it just as they had told his neighbor earlier. “I knew you were a special donkey,” Nun said and let the men go with his donkey.

Not long after the meeting, a loud noise was heard in the streets and everyone rushed out to see what was happening. Behold, it was the master riding on Nun’s donkey, and everyone was shouting Hosanna! Hosanna! The master rode through the streets and people were spreading palms and wrappers in front of the donkey. The donkey looked at Nun and gave him a proud nod. Nun was very happy that his donkey was been celebrated alongside the master.

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See also:

Molly's Easter Hen

The Little Red Riding Hood

Jack And The Beanstalk

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